The five day intense yoga and meditation workshop cun lecture for overall personality and health development came to a close on 5 May. The speaker and facilitator of this event was Shri Lal BihariSingh (Babuji). A methodical procedure of maintaining a balance between yogic exercises, food habits and proper lifestyle was the highlight of this programme many yoga postures and techniques were demonstratedusing which various aliments could be prevented and even removed. The modern life style is a fast paced one where not much importance is given to the well being of a human body. Babuji showed the proper path to adopt a healthy life style. Importance of fasting and the correct method of fasting was explained by him. Overall development of good physical and mental health was explained, in depth, in a very interesting manner.The five day event was well attended by the members of staff of various branches of KPS and interested denizens of their steel city. The head of Krishna Group of Institutions Shri M.M. Tripathi waspresent on all the days of this great programme. Hispresence added substance and magnanimity to the event.Each person attending this enriching programme went back with plenty of awareness and knowledge.On the concluding day the glory of Indian culture and yoga being an integral part of it was stressed upon. Mr. Lal Bihari Singh’s very enlightening and informative discourse has left an everlasting impression on the minds of each and every person who attended this workshop on the occasion Shri M.M. Tripathi expressed his gratitudetowardsShri Singh for his excellent guidance and his zeal to bring about a massive change in the mind set of the mass, which would definitely make the society healthier and happier. He also advised and encouraged everyone to follow the tips given by Bihari Singh Ji, for great energy, positive thinking and optimum efforts in their field of work as well as life.