Page 15 - Prospectus of KPS Nehru Nagar
P. 15

Features of the School

      Career Based Activities
      The  school  offers  computer  education,                                          Closed circuit cameras
      home science, needle work, origami etc.,
                                                                                         Each  &  every  area  of  the  school  is
      which provides opportunities to children to                                        equipped with closed circuit   cameras
      learn  by  doing.  This  is  required  for  the                                    which help in close supervision of the
      promotion to the next class. The students’
                                                                                         classes & students.
      choice is as per their interest.

      Clubs like 'Ecology Club', Magazine Club,
      Social  Service  Club,  Photography  Club,
                                                                                         Communication by Multimedia
      Science Club, 'Maths Club', E & I Club, Arts
      Club, Quiz Club, Literary Club etc. have                                           Looking to the increased smart phone
                                                                                         usage,  the  school  sends  a  child’s
      been    formed  in  the  school.  Students’
                                                                                         progress, holidays details, lesson plans,
      active  participation  in  all  these  fields,
      under the guidance of teachers, helps to                                           photographs  and  videos  of  various
                                                                                         programmes,  etc  through  school’s
      develop the personalities of the children, in
                                                                                         social  media  account  on  face  book,
      all dimensions.
                                                                                         Instagram, you tube and website.
      Monthly Parents - Teachers'
      To  keep  a  very  good  rapport  between
      parents  and  teachers  &  for  the
      betterment  of  the  child,  on  the  2nd
      Saturday  of  every  month,  we  conduct
      Parents - Teachers' Meeting. Teachers
      meet parents of every child at least 10                                            Arts and Crafts Wing
      times in a year for the child’s welfare /
      growth in performance.
                                                                                         A separate building for Arts and Crafts has been allotted in the school where the varied
                                                                                         creative interests of the students are taken care of under the guidance and supervision of
                                                                                         fully-trained teachers. Students’ works are also displayed at the time of Exhibition.
      Child Protection and Safety
      School  has  various  committees  taking  care  of  child  protection  and  safety  as  per
      Governments norms. Frequent Awareness programmes (Like Good Touch, Bad touch,
      Pasco) are conducted for staff and other stake holders to sensitive them on safety
      Measures.  Counselor  is  made  available  at  school  for  students.  Evacuation  plan  is
      painted in school's building. Disaster Management in taught in classes. Staff stress to be
      gender sensitive and care that no Bullying happens in school. The emotional and social
      safety of child is taken care by school. Child abuse is restricted by strict child protection
      policy. Guidance on managing emotions and building healthy peer relationships is given
      to students. Bullying, harassment prejudiced action, corporal punishment like issues are
      addressed on emergency basis.                                                                                                                                15
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