Page 15 - Awakening-II -E Magazine Sep to Nov
P. 15

E - Magazine
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAIAI
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILNEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAINEHRU NAGAR - BHILAI
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                              AIMING FOR THE TARGET
    Archery Compe  onchery Compe  onchery Compe  on
    Ar Ar
    Great focus, sharp eyesight, undeterred concentra on and accurate aim are all a must to be an excellent Archer. This year three of
    our  students  of  Class  9th  Purv  Kumar  Sahu,  Mohit  Mastawar  and  Suryansh  Sahu  par cipated  in  the  SGFI  games  held  at
    Kondagaon. These budding archers proved their capabili es at such a young age. Apart from being a part of the games these
    children learnt in plenty, which would certainly aid them in growing up to be champions at Na onal and Interna onal levels. We
    wish these players all the very best for a bright future in their chosen field of sports.

                                        Archery is rela vely new sport in our school. Mr. Umesh Baghel  is the Coach for
                                        this game. He himself is a fine archer. Recently he has achieved the dis nc on of
                                        becoming ‘A’ Grade archery Coach. For this he a ended a six weeks training camp
                                        of Sports Authority of India, at Netaji Shubhash Na onal Ins tute of sports,
                                        Kolkata. Here he got the Gold Medal at all India Level group of Coaches. He has
                                        been  training  the  students  and  have  escorted  them  to  various  State  level,
                                        Na onal and SGFI games. The children have proved their exper se under his
                                        tutelage. All the members of the Krishna fraternity are proud of his and his
                                        students’ achievement.

     Metallurgy Quiz Compe  on
     Science is a part and parcel of our life. The world can not move on
     without metals and the knowledge about them. The students of
     KPS with their extensive talent and knowledge par cipated in the
     Metallurgy quiz compe  on organized by Bhilai Steel Plant on 2
     September, 2022.  Pawan Tanay Singh and Abhishek kumar Singh
     of class 12 A secured 2  Posi on and brought laurels to the school.
     They had the dis nc on of represen ng the school in the next
     level of the quiz compe  on and had been to Kalpakkam, Tamil
     Nadu for the purpose.

     Vikram Sarabhai Science Founda on Cer ficates
     The students of KPS Nehru Nagar are extremely talented and
     many of them exhibit their calibre at state and na onal levels
     CHAMARTY SASHANK and CHETAN KARCHE of class 9 showed
     their knowledge of science and came up with an outstanding
     performance in the Science Promo on Orient Test organized by
     Vikram Sarabhai Science Founda on, Kochi. They were awarded
     the ‘Cer ficate of Merit’ for their dis nct performance.
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