Page 3 - Awakening-II -E Magazine Sep to Nov
P. 3

E - Magazine
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILNEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAIAI
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAINEHRU NAGAR - BHILAI
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                            PLETHORA OF PROFICIENCY
            “Authen c hard work on paved path towards dreams gives success in compe  on”.
     Solo Song Compe  on
     Music  is  the  elixir  of  life.  It  is  said  that  through  the

     melody of music we can reach divinity. Eeven the most
     hardened soul respond to the sweetness of the song
     sung melodiously. The solo song compe  ons are held for the
     students of all classes. The students sang very well and gained
     the praise of the Judges and the Teachers alike.

     Clay Model Compe  on
     The most easily recognized form of sculp ng is clay modeling that
     is  the  crea on  of  a  3-dimensional  piece  of  art  typically  using
     various types of clay. Students have shown their crea vity and art
     by making various models. This ac vity is not only fun filled but

     also  gives  opportunity  to  the  students  to  think  and  create
     something new.

     Art and Cra  Compe  on
     Art and Cra  compe  on was held for class - 3 students Coconut

     shells were used for making the cra s since it is most eco friendly.
     This compe  on gave a wonderful pla orm to the students to

     exhibit their hidden talents and crea vity. This involve a lot of
     crea vity and pa ence of both the students and teachers alike.

     Rakhi Making Compe  on

     An  eco  friendly  rakhi  is  made  from  sustainable  and  natural
     materials that are not harmful to the environment. There are
     many  different  types  of  eco  friendly  rakhis  available,  such  as

     plantable rakhis, recycled rakhis and more. The compe  on was
     held for the students of class 6th. The students took part joyfully

     and showed their best in it.

     Fancy Dress Compe  on
     Fancy Dress compe  on was organized for the students of KG 2

     where the students enthusias cally took part. Compe  ons are
     organized  to  promote  healthy  compe  ve  spirits  among  the

     students  .This  par cular  form  of  compe  on  teaches  the
     students the value of different professions in our lives.
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