Page 4 - Awakening-II -E Magazine Sep to Nov
P. 4

E - Magazine
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILNEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAIAI
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAINEHRU NAGAR - BHILAI
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                             DISPLAY OF ENDOWMENTS
     Mehendi Compe  on
     When Mehendi adorns the palms, the life takes on a new colour
     for  a  girl.  Mehendi  or  henna  as  it  is  commonly  known  as  an
     auspicious commodity. It is an integral part of Indian fes vals and
     marriages.  The  Mehendi  designing  compe  on  was  held  to
     inculcate among the students an interest in the customs of India.

     Flag Making Compe  on
     This  year  has  been  marked  as  the  year  of  ‘Azadi  ka  Amrit
     Mahotsav’ and the ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ programme was ins tuted
     by the government. This was to bring in the pride and the respect
     towards our Na onal Tricolour. It is a sign of patrio sm. To ignite
     the love and the glory of our na onal flag in the minds of the
     children. The ‘Flag Making Compe  on’ was held. It brought out
     the crea vity of the children when they made beau ful flags using
     various materials, such as paper, cloth, flowers, etc.

     Ac vity Poster Making (Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav)

     Turning 75 for a na on is a great achievement and this year our
     na on reach that target. To commemorate this glorious year the
     government  of  India  came  up  with  the  celebra on  of
     Amritmahotsav.  The  history  of  India  showcases  the  vibrant
     culture, brave history and the success story of this blessed land. To
     mark this event a poster designing compe  on was held for the
     students of classes 3 to 8. This ac vity also helped in imbibing in
     the children a spirit of patrio sm.

                                              MOCK PARLIAMENT 2022
    Children learn effec vely by doing things and understanding them in depth. To know about the working of a government what
    be er way is than being the part or watching the proceedings of the parliament. The maiden mock parliament was organised by
    the students of classes 9 to 12 of Krishna Public School Nehru Nagar. The proceedings started off with the oath taking ceremony of
    the newly elected members. Therea er the legisla ve business of the parliament started. The members of the opposi on par es
    took the government to task on various issues like the irra onal dele on of important chapters by the CBSE and the frequent
    cancella on of trains. The en re proceedings were pepped up with a lot of humour which was akin to the real life session of the
    parliament. Various mo ons like the calling a en on and adjournment mo ons were also passed. A bill regarding raising the
    marriage age of girls from 18 to 21 years was debated and voted upon. Serious social issues were dealt with. The mock parliament
    was viewed by our Principal and teachers along with the students and much appreciated.
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