Page 8 - Awakening-II -E Magazine Sep to Nov
P. 8

E - Magazine
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAIAI
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILNEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAINEHRU NAGAR - BHILAI
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                    DAILY MUSING
                                                        World Humanitarian Day, The Spirit of Freedom & Observance
                                                        and Hard work:
                                                        This assembly was conducted by the students of class 8th A,B,C.

                                                        The Spirit of Freedom is as much our rights as our responsibility
                                                        towards our na on. This feeling reminds us to be responsible

                                                        ci zens of India. Its not about what we can get but what we can
                                                        do for our society. The world Humanitarian Day pays tribute to

                                                        the thousands of humanitarian workers who gave their lives and
                                                        suffered injuries in the course of their work. This is the day to

                                                        honour all those workers who con nue their service to provide
                                                        support and protec on to people in need.

                                                        World Nature Conserva on Day was observed by the students
                                                        of class 9th J. The students gave beau ful depic on of how our

                                                        Mother Earth can be saved from the danger of plas cs which is
                                                        grabbing  the  whole  universe  by  its  vicious  tentacles.  The

                                                        students performed a “Nukkar Natak” to bring to everyone's
                                                        no ce  how  the  fumes  of  burning  plas c  spreads  poisonous

                                                        gases and how the animals choke by the consump on of the
                                                        discarded plas c wraps.
                                                                               h ps://
                                                        Interna onal Youth Day

                                                        This special assembly was conducted by the students of 9th E.
                                                        Emula ng  the  T.V.  personali es,  the  students  very  ably

                                                        discussed  the  dilemma  the  present  day  youth  is  facing  and
                                                        what solu ons can be brought to upli  them from their problem.

                                                        The objec ve of this day is to amplify the message that ac on
                                                        is  needed  across  all  genera ons  to  achieve  the  sustainable

                                                        developmental goals and leave no one behind.
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