Page 9 - Awakening-II -E Magazine Sep to Nov
P. 9

E - Magazine
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILNEHRU NAGAR - BHIL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAIAI
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAINEHRU NAGAR - BHILAI
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                                                         September to November 2022
                                                 FESTIVITIES AGLORE
     Amrit Mahotsav            “Celebra ons  infuse life with passion and purpose”.
     The  Amrit  Mahotsav  was  observed  by  KPS  Nehru  nagar  on  14   of  August  2022  in  the  form  of  a  rally  by  the
     management teachers and students of the school from 9 am onwards. The students held the Tiranga in their hands to
     the accompaniment of patrio c slogans. The rally was a breathtaking success that lightened up the spirits of the
     par cipants and the spectators. Amrit Mahotsav is the elixir of energy of independence, elixir of inspira on of the
     warriors of freedom struggle. Therefore this Mahotsav is a fes val of awakening of the na on. This is the fes val of
     fulfilling the dream of peace and development.

     Independence Day
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     KPS Nehru Nagar celebrated the 75 th year of Independence with
     vigor and zeal. It was an Independence week that the school was
     celebra ng with regular essay compe  ons skits and flag making
     compe  on every day to celebrate and welcome the auspicious

     moment when the Tricolour would be seen flu ering with pride and
     joy for every Indian. The flag hois ng was done by the Vice Chairman
     Mr. Anand Tripathi and Madam Sabita Tripathi, the principal of the
     school.  The  students  gave  many  colourful  performances.  The
     fervour of independence could be witnessed everywhere.
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