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E - Magazine
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAI
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAINEHRU NAGAR - BHILAI
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHIL                                       April to June 2022

                               From the Principal’s Desk

        “Change is the only constant, change we all must, for the progress of self and society”.

                                             Greetings to All

                                             The  present  times  are  the  times  of  technological
                                             advancements with the usage of latest gadgets and gizmos.

                                             Keeping up with the demand of time, we are presenting to
                                             you the  irst edition of Krishna E- Magazine ‘Awakening’.
                                             This magazine showcases the activities and achievements

                                             of the school. We would be coming up with the magazine at

                                             regular intervals. Further issues will include the articles,
                                             poems  and  creation  of  the  students  too.  I  am  sure  this
                                             periodical will keep you updated with the ef icacy of the

               Savita Tripathi
                   Principal                 Pleasant Reading.


    Dear Readers,                            hope  that  the  magazine  blossom  naturally.  As  the
    The students at Krishna Public  encourages  many  more  saying  goes,  mind  like
    School  are  offered  many  students  to  use  it  as  a  parachute  works  best  when
    opportunities  to  explore  their  platform  to  express  their  o p e n e d .   T h i s   h u m b l e
    interests  and  investigate  new  creativity.                                 initiative is to set the budding
    ideas.  The  school's  curriculum  In  the  past,  to  evolve  one's  minds free, allowing them to
    and  practices  are  consistently  writing  skills,  bulletin  roam  free  in  the  realm  of
    reviewed to ensure that we are  boards,  print  journals  etc.  imagination  and  experience
    following the most updated best  were used but this is a time of  to  create  a  world  of  beauty
    p r a c t i c e s ,   m e e t i n g   a l l  great  changes.  In  education  with words.
    regulations, and addressing the  too we see fast changes. The  I would like to congratulate
    future  needs  of  our  students.  s t u d e n t   t o d a y   i s   a n  the Principal, Vice Principal,
    Keeping  in  line  with  this,  individual,  is  a  real  person  all the members of the
    welcome  to  the  1   edition  of  with  feelings  of  self-respect,  editorial team for this great
    “Awakening”,  an  E-magazine  sensitivity, responsibility and  effort that
    truly dedicated to the abounding  compassion.  We  need  to  adds to the
    vitality and effervescence of the  recognize,  appreciate,  laurels of the
    students  of  Krishna  Public  applaud and foster these  ine  accomplishm

    School,  Nehru  Nagar  Bhilai.  In  blends  and  thus  this  digital  ents made by
    this  edition,  we  have  tried  to  print of “Awakening” is to be  this campus.
    capture  the  past  month's  viewed as a launch pad for a
    excitement  and  activities.  I  do  student's  creative  urges  to                             Mrs. Shalini Bedi
                                                                                          English Department, HOD
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