Page 3 - E Magazine-July
P. 3

E - Magazine
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                           KRISHNA PUBLIC SCHOOL
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAI
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHILAIAINEHRU NAGAR - BHILAI
                                      NEHRU NAGAR - BHIL                                       April to June 2022

                                                            MMA World Championship
    Towards Tomorrow .....

                                                     Krishna  Public  School,  Nehru  Nagar,  Bhilai  encourages  and
                                                     promotes brilliance in all fields be it, Academics or Sports & co
                                                     curricular ac vi es Y. Tarshit of Class 10 'I' was champion in the State
                                                     MMA Championship and won the Gold Medal. In the Fi h All India
                                                     MMA Na onals held at Neemuch Madhya Pradesh, he again won
                                                     the  Gold  and  has  been  selected  for  the  Youth  MMA  world
                                                     Championship to be held in Abu Dhabi from 17 August to 21 August
                                                     2022. The Prinicipal, Management and The Staff wish Tarshit “All the
                                                     very Best”, for the World Championship.

   Best School Awards for NCC

        (National Cadet Corps)

    In  2021  NCC  (Na onal  Cadet  Corps)  was
    introduced in the school for Boys of classes 8 &

    9.  The  Junior  Division  (Army  Wing)  was
    installed in the campus, which is a part of 37
    CG NCC Ba alion Durg. Jeet Samanta of the
    school was adjudged the Best Cadet for the
    year 2021-22 and received the award from the

    NCC  Group  Commander.  The  School  also
    received the Best Ins tu on Award for having

    the Best Junior Division NCC.
                                                         NCC Group Commander Best Institute Award Ceremony 2021 - 22
                                                               Army Wing (Junior division) 37 CG BN NCC - Durg
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