A Laboratory is a workshop for biologist/Scientist,where truth of the ideas is tested. Biology is an open ended subject study of which is never complete unless the theories taught in the class are put to test in the laboratory by doing experiments. Every experiment is an act of studying a number of conditions called observations followed by co-relating the various parameters commonly called results.
Our school believes in the fact that science/biology without experiments is like learning to swim without getting into water. For scientific training of young minds a genuine laboratory practice is a must
Salient features of the lab
Teaching aids and accessories
3-D Raised Relief plastic models (Botany & Zoology), Microscopes, Skeleton, Extensive collection of museum specimens, slides, Reagents, Aquarium, Display Boards, Audio-Visual aids , charts & green board.
Separate chambers for storage of Reagents and equipments.
Provision for first aid Availability of fire-extinguisher .
Neat & tidy working place for 40 students at a time.
Well equipped teachers demo table.
Sinks & water taps at apt places within the reach of every student.
The above mentioned facilities have helped in developing keen observation, accurate experimentation, Rational thinking, team work spirit and has made teaching learning programme more effective. The laboratory facility has inspired the students in developing a unique perspective and has helped them in
emerging with wonderful pearls of scientific phenomena from the ocean of knowledge.