Sports Activities
Physical Education It is imparted to students by Mass Yoga etc. Outdoor and indoor games encourage healthy sportsman spirit and build a sound body and a healthy competitive spirit among the students. Excellent sports facilities with Volleyball. Net-Ball, Throw-Ball. Badminton, Basketball. Cricket, Table Tennis. Football and field events are promoted in our school.
'SPORTS DAY' is the reflection of sports activities. organised by the School every year. Innumerable sports activities of International. National. State and Divisional level are exemplary. Every month one Interschool sports event is organized by the school. Specialized NIS level coaches are called for specialized coaching.
Inter KPS sports meet
Yearly sports fest in organised to provide arena to budding sports persons to display their sporting ability and competitive capabilities. In this grand event all sportspersons from all the branches of KPS display their might.
Cricket Academy
The Cricket Academy adds to the glory of KPS where training is imparted to the students under an efficient coach,Student from 5 years to 19 years are trained in this academy.
. Yoga
Yoga is included in our timetable. This activity is also graded in Non-scholastic grades. Participation is mandatory.
Sports Complex
KPS started its Sports Complex to allow its students to have a safe venue for sports and school events. The school envisages that this will ensure greater participation in various indoor sports events. The sports complex of KPS is well- equipped with the most modem and hi-tech amenities.